Seeing joy - Hearing beauty - Touching lives
Teaching with a method: Dr. Shinichi Suzuki
More than fifty years ago, Japanese violinist Dr. Shinichi Suzuki realized the implications of the fact that children the world over learn to speak their native language with ease. He began to apply the basic principles of language acquisition to the learning of music, and called his method the mother-tongue approach. The ideas of parent responsibility, loving encouragement, constant repetition, etc., are some of the special features of the Suzuki approach.
Young Musicians Program
Little children are born with the instinct to love music! It is what we as parents and teachers do with that innate gift, that enables our children to grow!!! This introductory course will help facilitate you and your child into the music language and help you to set up a music environment at home where they can thrive.
Experienced, professional and creative teachings.
“To merely “want” to do something is not enough. The habit of action is the most important thing we must acquire. Life’s success or failure actually depends on this one thing.”
— Dr. Shinichi Suzuki
Feel free to contact us with any questions.